Reddit for Social Workers

Social Worker's Toolbox - 2025

Social Worker License

by Social Worker License Staff

Updated: June 10th, 2022

Reddit is many things. It can be cesspool of misinformation for right-wing loonatics, but it can also be a treasure trove of great information for many different groups of like-minded individuals. Social workers is no exception. There is a large community of social workers and social work students who have put together lists of resources and frequently asked questions for professional social workers and students alike.

Succeeding in Your Social Work Education Program

Explore a list of frequently asked school related questions and resources aggregated by fellow social work redditors. You may also find even more niche communities within the social work field that may provide just the information you're looking for.

Frequently asked questions from the social work community answers many student related and pre-graduation related questions. Read through the list and you may learn some questions you didn’t know you should know about!

Reddit social work wiki is a place for professionals and students to find information on all aspects of the field itself. Spend a little time exploring and you likely find some information gems and links to more specific reddit social work communities.

Tools for Social Work Professionals

Most tools for professional social workers revolve around expanding knowledge, gaining continuing education for licensure purposes, and self-care reminders and ideas.

Expand your knowledge base with a redditor accumulated list of “best-in-class” social work related books and podcasts.

Interested in where salaries are headed in real-time? Connect with other social workers who are sharing this information regularly to help raise wages for all social workers across the board. Know your worth and get paid what you should.