Whirly-Girls Initial or Add-On Helicopter Flight Training Scholarship

Scholarship Info



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Learn about the Whirly-Girls Initial or Add-On Helicopter Flight Training Scholarship and apply today.
Social Worker License

by Social Worker License Staff

Updated: December 12th, 2024

Scholarship Mission

To assist a certificated female pilot who does not currently have a helicopter rating.

Qualification Requirements

Applicant must be an associate member of Whirly-Girls in good standing for one year; must be a female student pilot or certificated female pilot who does not currently have a helicopter rating.

How Winners are Selected

Goal for the flight training specified; experience, service to others, and what others have to say about applicant through recommendation letters; achievements in life, particularly in aviation and the helicopter industry; attitude toward self and others, as shown through the entire application package; neatness, ability to follow instructions, completeness and accuracy of application; reliability, motivation, and commitment to success as shown through prior employment, jobs and activities, and service to others; dedication to career as shown through prior employment, especially in the helicopter industry; ability to accept responsibility and teamwork as shown through prior jobs and activities; financial need.

Organization Information:

Email Contact:


Whirly-Girls International Women Helicopter Pilots
Tryon, NC

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