The Goddard School Anthony A. Martino Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship Info




March 31, 2023

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Learn about the The Goddard School Anthony A. Martino Memorial Scholarship and apply today.
Social Worker License

by Social Worker License Staff

Updated: December 12th, 2024

Scholarship Mission

The Anthony A. Martino Memorial Scholarship is a scholarship of $10,000 for the 2023-2024 academic year awarded to a senior in high school who graduated from a pre-kindergarten or kindergarten program at a Goddard School. This scholarship is awarded to a graduate who demonstrates the work ethic and perseverance that exemplified Martinos commitment to his career, family and community.

Qualification Requirements

Completed application form
Official Transcript

How Winners are Selected

The scholarship finalists will be selected based on their academic records, participation in school and community activities, honors, work experience, expressed goals and aspirations, and the videos they submit. Financial need is not considered. The decisions of the scholarship committee relating to the selection are final, regardless of the results of any social media campaigns or activity, and information relating to the committees evaluation of any particular applicant will be confidential. The applicant agrees to accept the final decision of the scholarship committee. The scholarship recipient will be selected without regard to race, age, gender, religion, political beliefs, employment status, or any other factor that could constitute unfair or illegal discrimination.

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