Taylor/Blakeslee University Fellowships

Scholarship Info



# of Recipients:



March 23, 2024

Apply/Learn More
Learn about the Taylor/Blakeslee University Fellowships and apply today.
Social Worker License

by Social Worker License Staff

Updated: December 12th, 2024

Scholarship Mission

To provide financial support to students who want to pursue a career in science writing.

Qualification Requirements

Applicants must be working journalists and students of outstanding ability who have been accepted for enrollment in graduate-level programs in science writing; with at least two years of mass media experience are particularly invited to apply; must have an undergraduate degree and must convince the CASW selection committee; must be accepted by at least one institution prior to the fellowship application deadline; must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

How Winners are Selected

Applications will be evaluated by CASW Selection Committee based on criteria; journalists with at least two years of mass media experience will receive preferential treatment in the selection process.

Organization Information:



Email Contact:


Council for the Advancement of Science Writing
PO Box 17337
Seattle, WA 98127

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