Scholars Helping Collars P.L.A.Y. Scholarship

Scholarship Info



# of Recipients:



February 28, 2024

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Learn about the Scholars Helping Collars P.L.A.Y. Scholarship and apply today.
Social Worker License

by Social Worker License Staff

Updated: December 12th, 2024

Scholarship Mission

P.L.A.Y. has always made a point to promote compassion towards animals in both our personal and professional lives. From working directly with local shelters to donating products to animals in need through our Warm Bellies Initiative with the Petfinder Foundation, animal welfare has always been a staple of our business. We know there are plenty of young minds out there that are equally passionate about helping animals in need.
In an effort to encourage them and promote this cause, P.L.A.Y. will be awarding our 3rd annual $1,000 scholarship to a high school student who best exemplifies our core beliefs.

Qualification Requirements

The contest is open to U.S. residents. No purchase necessary. All participants must be enrolled as full-time high school juniors or seniors. Entries are limited to one submission per person. Immediate family members of P.L.A.Y. employees are excluded from this contest.

How Winners are Selected

P.L.A.Y. will select the winner based on the best essay as determined by our internal panel of judges. Selection criteria will include, but is not limited to:
– Compelling and engaging description of volunteer efforts and their impact on the personal life of the student.
– Thematic consistency throughout the submission around the central thesis.
– Proper spelling and grammar usage throughout the submission.

P.L.A.Y. will select the winner during the month of December and will announce the winner on the website pending notification of the student and his or her family.

Organization Information:

Email Contact:

P.L.A.Y. (Pet Lifestyle and You)
246 Second Street, Unit A

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