Pi Delta Phi French Scholarship

Scholarship Info





# of Recipients:



November 1, 2023

Apply/Learn More
Learn about the Pi Delta Phi French Scholarship and apply today.
Social Worker License

by Social Worker License Staff

Updated: December 12th, 2024

Scholarship Mission

Undergraduate: To allow undergraduate regular members of an active Pi Delta Phi chapter to continue their studies of the French language and the literatures and cultures of the French-speaking world.
Graduate: To allow a full-time graduate student who is a member of an active Pi Delta Phi chapter and who is pursuing graduate work in French or select related fields to study or to conduct research abroad in a French-speaking country.

Qualification Requirements

Regular undergraduate or graduate member of Pi Delta Phi

How Winners are Selected

Scholarship committee composed of four regional Pi Delta Phi Vice-Presidents

Organization Information:

Email Contact:


Pi Delta Phi, the National French Honor Society
State University of New York at Geneseo
Department of Languages and Literatures
Welles 211
1 College Circle

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