Doris W. Frey Memorial Scholarship Fund

Scholarship Info

Learn about the Doris W. Frey Memorial Scholarship Fund and apply today.
Social Worker License

by Social Worker License Staff

Updated: December 12th, 2024

Scholarship Mission

To support students studying christian ministry/youth ministry, christian counseling, nursing, or medicine.

Qualification Requirements

Applicants must be graduates from a public or private high school in charlotte, collier, hendry, glades or lee counties; pursue a degree in any of the following fields (Christian ministry/youth ministry, Christian counseling, nursing, or medicine); maintain satisfactory grades; be committed to a life of Christian service; demonstrate a commitment through action in ministering to others; and, have recognized ability and academic performance with standard measures of grades and appropriate test scores.

Organization Information:



2031 Jackson St., Ste. 100
Fort Myers, FL 33901

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