Colonel Jerry W. Ross Scholarship

Scholarship Info



# of Recipients:



December 1, 2025

Apply/Learn More
Learn about the Colonel Jerry W. Ross Scholarship and apply today.
Social Worker License

by Social Worker License Staff

Updated: December 12th, 2024

Scholarship Mission

To recognizes students who choose to invest their time in their school’s APhA-ASP chapter to help shape the future of the profession while managing the demands of a full-time pharmacy curriculum.

Qualification Requirements

Applicants must complete at least one academic year in the professional sequence of courses; must earn a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.75 on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent grading system) in professional coursework during pharmacy school; must be an active member in APhA-ASP for students located in the US and Puerto Rico; must show participation in his or her chapter’s activities but is not required to hold a leadership position; must air Force pharmacy technician pursuing a degree in pharmacy; family member of an Air Force pharmacist or technician who is enrolled in an accredited college of pharmacy; must demonstrates the Air Force core values of excellence, selflessness, integrity, leadership and academics.

How Winners are Selected

Applications will be scored according to a points system: 10 points for academic performance; 25 points for pharmacy related activities; 25 points for non-pharmacy/community activities/work; 20 points for essay; 20 points for letters of recommendation. Preference given to those indicating Air Force service.

Organization Information:



Email Contact:

APhA Foundation
2215 Constitution Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20037

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