To provide financial assistance to those individuals interested in pursuing a career in welding engineering.
Applicant must be a minimum of eighteen years of age; applicant must have a minimum high school diploma or equivalent; applicant must be a full-time student as defined by the academic institution; applicant must have at least a 2.8 overall grade point average with a 3.0 grade point average in engineering courses; financial need is not required; however, priority will be given to those individuals demonstrating a financial need; priority will be given to those individuals who demonstrate an interest in pursuing a career with an industrial gas or welding equipment distributor by prior work experience, clubs, organizations or extra-curricular activities; applicant must be a citizen of the United States or Canada and plan to attend an academic institution located within the United States or Canada; applicant does not have to be a member of the American Welding Society; priority will be given to those individuals residing or attending school in the states of Alabama, Georgia or Florida. (A resident is defined as having lived in the specified area for a minimum of one year.).
Recipients are selected based on need. Priority will be given to individuals who demonstrate an interest in pursuing a career with an industrial gas or welding equipment distributor with prior to work experience, clubs, organizations, or extracurricular activities. For individuals residing or attending schools in the states of Alabama, Georgia and Florida are also given preference. Selection will be based on Education Scholarship Committee.