Seth Okin Good Deeds Scholarships

Scholarship Info




November 30, 2024

Apply/Learn More
Learn about the Seth Okin Good Deeds Scholarships and apply today.
Social Worker License

by Social Worker License Staff

Updated: December 12th, 2024

Scholarship Mission

To enable those in pursuit of educational goals with the ultimate purpose of creating a meaningful life of service to others.

Qualification Requirements

Applicants must be students pursuing a post-secondary education (community college, undergraduate or graduate degree programs, law school, or business school); must be both interested and engaged in serving their community; and must have a GPA of 3.0 or greater (indicating good academic standing).

How Winners are Selected

Selection will be based on the aforesaid qualifications and compliance with the application process.

Organization Information:



Email Contact:

Price Benowitz LLP
409 7th St. NW, Ste. 100
Washington, DC 20004

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