WID Scholar program

Scholarship Info

# of Recipients:



March 6, 2023

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Learn about the WID Scholar program and apply today.
Social Worker License

by Social Worker License Staff

Updated: September 6th, 2022

Scholarship Mission

To provide financial assistance to further educational objectives of women either employed or planning careers in defense or national security areas.

Qualification Requirements

Applicants must be a woman currently enrolled or expected to be enrolled at an accredited university or college by the next academic term, either full-time or part- time. Undergraduate and graduate students are eligible; undergraduates must have attained at least junior level status (60 credits). Demonstrate interest in pursuing a career related to national security or defense. Demonstrate financial need. Have a minimum grade point average of 3.25. Be a citizen of the United States.

How Winners are Selected

Selection will be based on academic achievement, participation in defense and national security activities, field of study, work experience, statements of objectives, recommendations and financial need.

Organization Information:



Email Contact:


Women in Defense, a National Security Organization
2101 Wilson Blvd., Ste. 700
Arlington, VA 22201-3061

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